4 Quotes & Sayings By Maurissa Guibord

Born in Montreal, Maurissa is a professional writer who has worked in the field of food for over ten years. She has worked in the restaurant industry in both casual and corporate roles. She is passionate about writing, especially about food and travel, and loves to share her knowledge with others through writing.

Every person makes a difference. And the choices we make, the things we do–they matter.” She looked up into Will’s eyes. “And now I do believe in fate. Especially the kind we make ourselves. Maurissa Guibord
You know your life is completely screwed up when you have to look up the mythological figures who talk to you in the bathroom mirror. Maurissa Guibord
It's kind of strange... All these so-called myths and fables. Everyone seems to have the same ones. They cross cultures and continents. Everyone has their own versions of unicorns, witches, even the Fates. Now we know why. Because they're real. Maurissa Guibord